2023-12-19 07:30  浏览:1960  搜索引擎搜索“手机晒展免费版”
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super fast charging 超级快充
half/full fingered gloves 半指/全指手套
damage dealt 伤害量
roll out 推出新产品
foreign enterprise/company 外企
appendage <生>附属器官,附属肢体(如臂、腿,尾等)
There is to be 表示根据计划、安排或预测将来会存在的事物
【例句:There is to be a meeting next week./There is to be a new movie in the cinema this weekend.】
deteriorate 恶化
【例句:Their relationship has deteriorated.】
open a premium account 开通一个会员账户
put on a good face 保持一个积极的态度,给好脸色
force laughter 强颜欢笑
【例句:After the awkward silence, she forced a laughter to ease the tension. 在尴尬的沉默之后,她强迫自己笑了一下,缓解了气氛。】
Show some emotion! 别老不动声色的!
Lose/Quit the poker face! 别板着脸了!
Don't look so grim. 别这么严肃
Stop being so deadpan! 别假正经了!
Laugh a little! 偶尔也笑一个!
a cut below: a lower quality than or inferior to someone or something else, especially that of the expected norm
jump the shark 电视节目质量走下坡路/烂尾
【例句:The fifth season of the Gossip Girl really jumped the shark. It has got a low rating. 第五季《绯闻女孩》的节目质量走下坡路,它的收视率很低。】
go about his day 该干嘛该干嘛
through and through: in every aspect thoroughly or completely 完完全全,彻彻底底
disoriented 没有方向感
I would have told you, but it slipped my mind. 我想告诉你的,一下子给忘了
a lapse in judgment 判断失误
He counted it. 他信了
let off steam 发泄情绪
in the enlightened family/person 在一个开明的家庭/人
on (the) staff 在编,长期员工 (working as a member of the group of people employed by an organization or business)
red bean paste 红豆沙
Cthulhu 克苏鲁
the slow descent 缓慢的下坡路
female lead 女主角

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